Narcissists act like they are constantly role-playing. Their apparent goal is to live life with all of the benefits given to them that they themselves do not earn while anyone worthy or deserving they socially sabotage, exclude, or ridicule.
Realizing whatever character the Narcissist thinks they are playing in their head is more important to protect in their own mind than to respect other human beings or truth can set you free from feeling like you have no choice but to socially participate in your own abuse.
Role-Playing in their mind whatever grandiose fantasy they have, the Narcissist plays the lead role on a stage play that no other healthy person wants to attend.
Grandiosity is discussed at length over on The takeaway is that whether a person is playing the role of a Tyrant, of a Protector, or a King that if they are narcy there will be no safe word respected or performance ending.
Narcissists act like they are constantly role-playing in a theater performance with no real-life consequences.