From Timeline Photos. Posted by Adult Children of Toxic Parents on 2/04/2016 (1065 items)
- On Parental Alienation tactics.
- #ParentalAlienationSyndrome SEE:…
- #Triangulation of targets by Covert Narcissists and Narcopaths is sadly incredibly co…
- #scapegoat #goldenchild #toxicparenting
- SURVIVE first. Then thrive.
- Live. Reflect. Learn.
- Love Fraud predators like to target people who were raised to be the caretaker of a #…
- #NoContact with toxic people as much as humanly possible and…
- Get the DNA test done. KNOWING MATTERS. #ToxicFamily 16…
- To whoever needs to hear this… GET THE DNA TEST DONE Take back physical control …
- Stay tuned. Happy life needs zero escape
- Asking for A Friend.
- Self-reflect. If you need a tune-up after exposure to trauma, care for yourself they …
- What ARE #FlyingMonkeys? People who willfully or accidentally enable Social Predato…
- On FLYING MONKEY behavior choices and the actions of a Social Predator to recruit the…
- Emotional Intelligence and SENSITIVITY is a GIFT. Cluster B people resent emotional…
- #ClusterB people are known for charming people who don’t know them well and for succe…
- So know know. #LiarLiarPantsOnFire
- Know an ADDICT? Chances are they are Cluster B nurtured to act like Emotional Hedonis…
- Spend time in places with people where you are APPRECIATED.
- Crazy is as CRAZY does. Crazy is pretending a NEKKID EMPEROR is wearing fine clothe…
- #SilentTreatment is often given to victims by Abusers who seek to force their prey in…
- #Abuse Apologist Bingo not a game any victim likes to see anyone in our family or soc…
- Cluster B people typically lack the medical ability to self-reflect in a meaningful w…
- On #Enablers and Tongue Biters
- #EmotionalIntelligence is measured by feelings of subject success, accurate analysis …
- Know the signs of a person smear campaigning and striving to triangulate another form…
- #PoisoningTheWell #SpearCampaiging #Gaslighting
- On #Slander, Libel, and SMEAR CAMPAIGNING
- #TRUESTORY about willful #ENABLERS Only Cluster B people socially enable and defend…
- On FLYING MONKEYS SEE: #FlyingMonkeys
- Found em. #SignOfTheTimes
- You can and will overcome toxic parents and trauma during your upbringing when you de…
- Embrace the SNARK.
- Set limits if you are a Giver. Takers seldom if ever will.
- Always trust your gut. You have to live with it and your choices in life if it’s not …
- Flying Monkeys are socially transactional people who seek t…
- Overcome toxic SURVIVAL BEHAVIOR — once you are in a position socially and emotional…
- Refuse to act like an EMOTIONAL VAMPIRE. All of them SUCK and suck the life out of an…
- Stop doing other people’s homework spiritually and their emotional heavy lifting. Tak…
- #SHAMESHIFTING is like skinning a second knee then dressing it with the first knee sk…
- Most Cluster B personality types form by or before the subject is FOUR. flyingmonke…
- ENABLING is different from COLLABORATING. Understand that a person assisting is not c…
- #BreakTheSilence People with low to no EQ lack the neurolo…
- #lovefraud is never love… At best it us like in a transactional world. FlyingMon…
- #DarkTriads
- Withdraw from anyone who sucks your attention. Stand your ground and meet aggression …
- Toxic Family members pretend TRAUMA BONDING RITUALS are actually "love". Fi…
- On hurt.
- Narcissistic Mothers raise TERRIBLE SONS who raise terrible children with #MommyDeare…
- If your father is a tool, skipping father’s day is more than likely to be a very CONS…
- You will survive today. And tomorrow.
- #controlissues
- Cluster B people are ruthlessly codependent blame shifters seeking someone to engage …
- #NarcissisticHarem
- #HOOVERING Not vacuum related but it definitely sucks to experience if you are on th…
- "#CONFLICT gains the Abuser emotional and social control of the humans they targ…
- #financialabuse
- Double Standards are commonly held by Toxic Parents — deriding in others the same be…
- Mind THEIR mouth? No. Depersonalize and detach. Social Predators are riddled with tox…
- #MommyDearest
- Somatic Narcissism is NURTURED. How do your parents act re…
- Let toxic people go. They are safer and happier by themselves — alone. flyingmonke…
- Knock this shiz off.
- Love is LOVE. Transactional relationships involve one person using another while the …
- UGH. Never Argue with a CLUSTER B person. It THRILLS them to be in control of you…
- #MommyDearest
- NEVER trust a person who lies to you or about you in order to advantage themselves or…
- #BrokenPromises are common in a house with TOXIC ADULTS lurking about. flyingmonkey…
- Advocate for health.
- Write. #breakthesilence
- Parents with a great sense of humor are the best. But kids who understand why to appr…
- #FAS impacts children’s lives and behavior — and…
- Be good anyhow.
- Knock knock.
- If there is no respect, there is no… ANSWER: Reason to continue to interact fur…
- Narcissistic Abuse recovery is possible. FLYINGMONKEYSDENIED.COM
- Did your parent or partner torture you during a HIGH CONFLICT DIVORCE or while you we…
- Age appropriate humor. FLYINGMONKEYSDENIED.COM
- Mood is never an excuse to abuse. FLYINGMONKEYSDENIED.COM
- Does a toxic parent ever miss kids they mistreat? No. They miss free manual labor and…
- #Catch22 Abusive human beings groom #toxicshame in targets …
- On MOOD. #EmotionalLiteracy
- Detach. MEMORY REMINDER: Codependent people cling. Don’t be gross. flyingmonkey…
- End toxic shaming of people’s medical conditions. Treat the patient — knot the Criti…
- #RightToPrivacy DEAR YOU KNOW WHO
- If your loved ones are Cluster B and your are not… go #NoContact as YOUNG as you ca…
- #ToxicParents
- Just say NO to alienating. Parallel parent if you must… …
- Start investing things like time, energy, and soul force wisely. If your parent is Cl…
- #cyberbullying leads to #cyberstalking using #cyberwarfare techniques to terrorize an…
- NO MEANS WHAT? If that’s true then WHO really is on first. …
- Taking time out for self care makes EVERYONE a healthier and happier person. People P…
- If your parent or child is an ARSE because they were born biologically ASPD, it’s not…
- TOXIC FAMILY MEMBERS are the ones who circle the wagons to defend and protect known a…
- Know this – a lie does not become truth or a wrong right just because someone Cluster…
- #SmearCampaign
- Be stronger than our collectively toxic mothers, ladies. Raise men who have every rea…
- Trauma bonding is NEVER love. Trauma Bonding Rituals — no matter how pleasant in the…
- Be mindful — #Conformists make a free will choice to enable Abusers for their person…
- Stop fighting for HUMAN RIGHTS in your family unit. Start exercising them lawfully by…
- #MommyDearest figures and their #EnablingHenchmen like to lie to and about their chi…
- Overcome TOXIC THINKING groomed into you by Cluster B and profoundly codependent, des…
- #ToxicParents
- #ToxicFamily destroy MULTIPLE generations of lives. Trauma impact dents DNA when chil…
- What is an #Alienator?
- What do YOUR toxic family members, adult children groomed by toxic grandparents to de…
- Face reality. It’s liberating to accept the real without striving to EDIT. FlyingMo…
- Stay the course. #recover
- #grayrock
- Cut the cord.
- #ToxicParents groom Stockholm Syndrome codependent behavior. Trauma bonding is never …
- People who understand this graphic are friends whether or not any of us have met in t…
- TOXIC people are socially competitive, prone to meanness, and gaslight themselves and…
- #ToxicFamily
- Self care.
- Dear TOXIC PARENTS, We trust the AI and Higher Power to know about and have recorde…
- #LYING is emotionally hedonistic behavior.
- one word horror story
- #MommyDearest #FlyingMonkeys #EnablingHenchmen
- Out damn spot. #ToxicFamily
- Being a victim of something like child abuse is NEVER an excuse to act like a JERK. …
- <3
- Hang in there, kid. You can and you will survive all this peril. flyingmonkeysdenie…
- If you are a child abuse or childhood sexual assault survivor, know you are not what …
- True story. #DutyToWarn
- Been there, left the same notes.
- Stay the course. Learn to appreciate personal growth.
- Know your worth. Your voice MATTERS if you are a SURVIVOR. Use it wisely. Tell your s…
- Sound like your parents talking to or about you? If so — we’re sorry. And welcome to…
- I need a CAPE. — exhausted AJ #CPTSD
- Tell. The only people you lose are people who are sucking the life out of you and con…
- #Narcissist realities.
- In "normal families" all these things are nurturing and positive. In TOXIC …
- Wonderful imagery to explain the public and covert nature of a Malignant Narcissist, …
- Own your behavior. Expect the same of literally all others. <3 flyingmonkeysden…
- Calling someone a Narcissist because they meet MEDICAL CRITERIA for symptomatic behav…
- Information for adult sons of toxic fathers. <3
- Define yourself. Be here NOW. <3
- Welcome to Narcissistic Abuse recovery, everyone!…
- Revise your NLP if the lessons about life you were taught as a youngster were sociall…
- Be mighty. You are allowed. And more — you don’t need anyone’s permission to live yo…
- If you are seeking support as a parent ALIENATED FROM YOUR CHILD — feel free to foll…
- Cha cha.
- Bio chemical weapons attack made by Aermans on BABY BOOMERS bioanatomy went UNDETECTE…
- #Humor helps ease stress and emotional angst for Empaths.
- OUT yourself.
- #ParentalAlienation is a CRIME against multiple generations.…
- Stop FIGHTING for people who are leeching your energy, expecting YOU to do their emot…
- Seek your inner joy and peace. Let go of relationships that no longer meet your needs…
- #SilentTreatment <3
- #MommyDearest Pathological ENVY of other people — especial…
- #Narcissism
- Be GREATER. <3 Refuse to compete for social affection. Stop seeking abusive or…
- <3
- shut it down
- #ADHD reframe. Love yourself if you have it.
- #BreakTheSilence
- <3
- #MovingGoalposts
- #SiblingRivaly is COMMONLY nurtured by CLUSTER B PARENTS.
- #MommyDearest
- It is NEVER worth "worrying" about "them". flyingmonkeysdenied….
- #NarcissisticAbuse does NOT mean victims are abusing the ABUSER. flyingmonkeysdenie…
- Some toxic parents sling guilt the way a monkey throws poop. It’s up to you how long …
- Just say NOPE to any person who kills your joy and derides people who actively choose…
- What part in your toxic family unit do YOU play? Is it more than one a day? Read all …
- Addicted to love — craving the rush? Ask yourself… who first taught you to conflat…
- #CognitiveDissonance typically forms in humans when the people in their lives tasked …
- Save yourself. #NoContact #LowContact #HealthyBoundaries
- Bah Bah #SCAPEGOAT. No black ad hominem character disparaging or dehumanizing SHEEPLE…
- #NarcissisticMother
- #ToxicMother
- #HappyMothersday
- #mommyDearest
- #parentification
- #ToxicParents
- #ToxicMother
- #ToxicMother
- #MommyDearest
- #Triangulation
- If you are in no contact status with a toxic and ABUSIVE parent, understand that when…
- Refuse to foster codependent or non-differentiated thinking in yourself or your child…
- #TrueStory
- Let them GO. Give yourself permission to live if your family of origin is neglectful,…
- We are all who we decide to be.
- Know the #SEO key terms related to abusive personality types. Research their meanin…
- Keep the faith and educate. Narcissistic Abuse recovery is POSSIBLE. flyingmonkeysd…
- #RealityCheck If you had toxic parents they had an effect.
- Obstacles for recovering from #CODEPENDENCY.
- You might be #CODEPENDENT if…
- #codependent behavior (examples)
- Perspective.
- Physical assault is unwanted physical contact of ANY kind. …
- Calling someone CRAZY. STUPID. DELUSIONAL. is deliberate verbal, emotional, and psych…
- If you think your parents were bad when you were a kid, wait until neuroplasticity fr…
- How did your parent treat your grandparent(s)? It’s an important question to ask and …
- Examples of #EMOTIONALABUSE include withholding affection, manipulating, gaslighting,…
- #EmotionalAbuse is common to nurture in toxic household. It’s part of the TRAUMA BOND…
- #PhysicalAbuse of children is a common issue in homes with Cluster B caregivers, viol…
- Key terms related to #ChildAbuse and neglect helpful to look up and to read all about…
- Forms of childhood trauma anyone who experiences is likely to have to mindfully proce…
- Have an elderly parent junked out on pharmaceuticals? Read up on the key phrase "…
- #MunchausenSyndromeByProxy If your parent or primary ca…
- Abuse is abuse. Stop minimizing it’s effect because someone Abusive claims they did t…
- If your family was toxic, do a self check to determine how many forms of abuse or neg…
- That whole VIOLATION OF RIGHTS thing is a biggy in households or family units with Cl…
- Never believe the GASLIGHTING tale that you are being abused or neglected by a parent…
- Types of #ChildAbuse include but are not limited to physical, sexual, emotional, and …
- #DomesticAbuse If ANY of this stuff is occuring, stop think…
- Are you being abused? Are you being abusive? None of us are perfect at all times with…
- #NarcissisticAbuse patterns tend to present and escalate according to cyclical patter…
- #SABOTAGE is the art of causing harm to another person or peer groups’s life or proje…
- #Terrorizing a child ior adult) s psychological, emotional, social, and (typically) v…
- #Isolating a child is SOCIAL ABUSE.
- #EmotionalAbuse typically involves some form of gaslighting or manipulation by a pers…
- What have you been groomed to value?
- Strive to keep your own neuroplasticity flexible — especially if one or both of your…
- #LifeChangingTips
- Oh behave. Be HAVE? Be. Have. 😉
- If you are reading this page you are old enough* to start reparenting your inner chil…
- A lack of boundaries coupled with a People Pleaser nature in Adult Children of Toxic …
- #LoveFraud predators target adult children of toxic parents for a reason. They know w…
- Understand wishing you did not care or feel emotion when hurt is asking your own neur…
- Treat people according to necessity based on their behavior.…
- We’re not broken — we are UNIQUE. We also like this meme.
- Flower grow in dirt. BLOOM wherever you are planted. Find joy in simple things un…
- Be kind to YOURSELF by walking away. #Disengage
- Keep the faith and educate. Narcissistic Abuse recovery is POSSIBLE. flyingmonkeysd…
- Uplifting thought.
- Give someone a validation today. Doing so is as healthy for the person giving the com…
- Stay FROSTY, Adult Children of Toxic Parents actively in Narcissistic Abuse recovery….
- If you are truly a good person at your core, it is unlikely you will regret being kin…
- Be the pro-social change that you want to see. We are ALL …
- #TeamEmpath
- Stop striving to please unpleasable people if you LIKE being a People Pleaser. Devote…
- Just say NO to codependent behavior. Trauma bonding is unhealthy. flyingmonkeysdeni…
- If your parents were civil but basically disinterested in one another personally or r…
- People Pleaser personality types are about as edgy as basketballs. flyingmonkeysden…
- Set and enforce healthy boundaries.
- You are NOT a bad person for advocating for abuse or mistreatment of you to cease. Yo…
- #NoContact
- Stay the course. Meet force with equal and appropriate response to ensure your safe g…
- Recover. #CPTSD
- #Alanon
- You have permission to love, like, and care for YOURSELF. Validation you are worthy f…
- Symptoms of #CODEPENDENCY.
- Trust your gut. Toxic parents seek to groom that particular healthy behavior right ou…
- #Codependency symptoms include toxic shame, perfectionism, and a warped sense of resp…
- Be incredibly wary of people who are socially adept at COVERT NARCOPATH behavior. f…
- One of the perks of growing up in a toxic family is we really do (as a collective gro…
- When it’s time to stop enabling or tolerating abuse, you will know. flyingmonkeysde…
- Toxic parent, damaged family.
- You are not CRAZY if you were abused or neglected and feel pain or upset. You have he…
- Pack predators are always easy to SPOT.
- Who pulls the strings in YOUR toxic family? But more importantly, who falls for their…
- People who willingly enable those they know lie, gaslight, or are prone to violence a…
- Tell your story without shame or embarrassment if you are the victim of a toxic perso…
- DOMESTIC ABUSE is a #ClusterB issue. Hurt people tend to become kind. People who hurt…
- Share this meme if you understand WHY an abuser chooses to abuse is completely IRRELE…
- Setting and enforcing of healthy boundaries is the right way to create a safe emotion…
- #ALANON can be a lifesaver for people who are related to Cluster B people or those wh…
- #TrueStory
- Accurate ouch.
- Stop enabling. It’s a short term solution but a long-term mistake. flyingmonkeysden…
- Enabling toxicity poisons EVERYONE.
- Your childhood family are in your life for a SEASON. If they are toxic, it’s WISE to …
- Narcissistic MOTHERS are typically the reason why little boys learn from their abusiv…
- #MommyDearest escalate over time. They NEVER get nicer except to those they treat lik…
- Enablers are simply people behaving like BETA predators.
- Know the signs a family is abusing a scapegoat or whistleblower because they truly ha…
- People who are Cluster B have an ADDICTION to treating other human beings terribly. I…
- Enabling people who are problem drinkers or problem drug users is common in toxic fam…
- If this meme makes sense, time to visit an #ALANON meeting.
- Reality check. <3 100% accurate.
- Refuse to overlook any form of social neglect or abuse. Call it out for what it is an…
- ENABLERS oftentimes do more social and emotional harm to victims of abuse than the Al…
- Stop participating in the Narcissistic Cycle of Abuse. It’s DUMB. flyingmonkeysdeni…
- ENABLING is passively abusing yourself and others while assisting an Alpha predator. …
- If you are the victim of situational abuse where it’s your word against an Abuser, ex…
- Stop seeking healing from the people who willfully seek to harm others. Their validat…
- Toxic people have been around since the beginning of time. Be smarter than to attack …
- Advocate. It matters.
- Toxic parents NEVER admit that they abused or neglected their offspring in a way that…
- Pecking order.
- #ToxicFamily suck the life out of their preferred scapegoat targets — typically they…
- Relationships with Cluster B adults depend on TRAUMA BONDING rituals being enacted by…
- Abusers thrive by gaslighting. Understand they lie to their own supporters the most. …
- Congratulations on surviving your childhood if it was toxic. Now, it’s time to self r…
- Allowing people to accept personal responsibility for their actions and choices is on…
- Stop enabling other people to abuse themselves or you.
- Codependent no more.
- Leaving behind a toxic family unit is hard, but it’s necessary to effect pro-social c…
- Blossom.
- Self Worth is a wholly subjective definition. Loving and taking care of yourself is n…
- If you are from a toxic family, let them be a part of your life for a season and a re…
- Recovering from child abuse takes a lifetime of daily, mindful effort. It;s WORTH IT….
- Be yourself. Some of the prettiest flowers grow in the most difficult of life circums…
- Stop seeking VALIDATION you have been abused or that you did not deserve it from the …
- #EnablingHenchmen are PASSIVE abusers activated on command by the whim of the Alpha P…
- Focus on yourself FIRST. What your toxic family unit does or does not need, do, say, …
- Low to #NoContact is the healthiest and most humane way to deal with toxic family. Se…
- Helping is helping. ENABLING is harmful.
- Stop ENABLING if you are. Start engaging in setting and enforcing healthy boundaries …
- People with an attitude of gratitude tend to have better physical and emotional healt…
- Scapegoats in toxic family units tend to present with the psychology of People Please…
- #MOMMYDEAREST figures constantly strive to compete with or to relive their youth THR…
- #ToxicParents are typically consumed with their own self interests and tend to view c…
- There’s nothing GOLDEN about the Golden Child other than they are the personality typ…
- Toxic parents gaslight children into believing that if they do not tolerate and overl…
- Like racism and misogyny, Narcissism is TAUGHT. #Grooming
- #DaddyIssues can be caused by a father overindulging a child, grooming them to be sha…
- #PsychicVampirism is COMMON in families units led by or infused with a pack of Cluste…
- #MommyDearest figures promote sibling rivalry between their children, but also betwee…
- If your MOTHER is Cluster B and was ever a drinker, have yourself DNA tested. In the …
- Speak your truth. It matters even if your Abusers strive to convince you and everyone…
- Fawk sibling rivalry. Resist the urge to allow a toxic parent to fragment a family un…
- Sage advice to ALWAYS follow.
- How hard would it have been for #MOMMYDEAREST and #DADDYDEAREST to tell the truth fro…
- Find a friend and HUG IT OUT. Doing so produces Oxytocin to help restore a weary soul…
- Remember — people with TBI tend to blurt their core personality. The older they are,…
- Avoid ignoring your intuition or intellectual insights in favor of believing the asse…
- Resist the urge to become a #MOMMYDEAREST #CONFORMIST. It’s similar to being a #Colla…
- If you give an abusive parent unlimited chances to abuse your love and hospitality –…
- Ask questions instead of providing answers to CLuster B people and their Flying Monke…
- Avoid taking your Abuser or an abusive person’s willing Enabler with you to counselin…
- Top performing articles on — a Narcissistic Abuse recovery w…
- Ya know… the ONLY thing most people who go NO CONTACT with Cluster B people unilate…
- Expect narcissistic people and toxic parents to compulsively strive to blame their vi…
- Resist the urge to actively engage in blameshifting behavior. No matter how abused or…
- Does your mother or father come up with every excuse in the world why they were abusi…
- Narcissistic people compulsively fail to respect other people’s human rights or healt…
- #MommyDearest figures tend to be toxic and socially abusive Mother-In-Laws. flyingm…
- #Perspective.
- Crucial advice to heed and understand.
- #ClusterB people tend to promote atmospheres in the family home that cultivate and nu…
- Let them go. Let then live. Give them their hearts desire to live their life as if yo…
- #SomaticNarcissists love more than their own reflection. Their grandiosity makes them…
- #NoContact
- #LoveFraud social predators tend to seek out adult children of toxic parents who were…
- You can say NO, ya know. #NoContact
- Narcissistic people love to bait, provoke, sabotage, and abuse covertly, then claim t…
- Vertical thinkers are famous for making #WORDSALAD arguments. flyingmonkeysdenied.c…
- Dear _________, (MOMMY DEAREST / DADDY DEAREST)… #ToxicParents flyingmonkeysden…
- You become like the five people in life you spend the most physical time with and aro…
- Burn the bridge. Stop looking back unless it’s to remind yourself why you have absolu…
- Welcome to Narcissistic Abuse recovery.
- Cluster B people lie compulsively as well as by choice of habit. They self-promote ev…
- Grow.
- Observe.
- #Projecting
- #HelicopterParents tend to live vicariously through their offspring. Children are val…
- Bullies tend to be low EQ people. Some of them are high IQ but most of them are desti…
- Narcissists tend to have an emotional age no older than the age of 6. They truly are …
- #NoContact
- Excellent advice. #GrayRock
- #NoContact
- Cluster B people lack the neurological ability to process the world around them using…
- There is no earthly excuse for Narcissistic Abuse. Own your behavior. Behave in ways …
- Beware the DRAMA QUEEN who manufactures chaos for themselves in order to net gain att…
- #MommyDearest figures all tend to have expertise in socially sabotaging other people….
- #AbusiveExpectations are common from toxic parents.
- Duplicity is an art form typically taught to children by #MommyDearest figures concer…
- How abusive parents think.
- Be the person with the higher EQ. No matter how smart a narcissistic parent thinks th…
- Persist.
- Grieve the loss of the dream that you will be loved or appreciated by any person, par…
- Ever hear from your toxic parent that you ruined their life? Share, comment, or click…
- #BlameShifting is a common, anti-social Narcissistic Abuse tactic. flyingmonkeysden…
- #DaddyIssues tend to stem from fathers who actively engage in committing LOVE FRAUD. …
- They know what they are doing when they abuse. They like pretending they don’t in ord…
- Stand your ground. Avoid exposing children to elderly people who chose to abuse you w…
- #GrayRock
- Daddy Dearest figures exist. They are just as awful as #MommyDearest figures, only mo…
- The most common emotion children of abusive parents feel when their abuser dies of na…
- Narcissistic Abuse recovery is POSSIBLE. Keep the faith and educate. flyingmonkeysd…
- #Stonewalling is a Narcissistic Abuse tactic frequently used by people seeking to hid…
- The more narcissistic the parent, the more likely they are to strive to convince non-…
- Be wary — Enablers are oftentimes more socially dangerous and bad for your health to…
- Adult Children of Toxic Parents tend to be attracted to romantic partners who resembl…
- People who are paranoid and narcissistic tend to resemble Histrionics. There is nothi…
- Dealing today with a toxic parent — someone like an Enabling Henchman or a Mommy Dea…
- Words have the ability to HARM. No biting necessary. #VerbalAbuse #PsychologicalAbu…
- Keep the faith, keep on keeping on, and educate. Narcissistic Abuse recovery takes a …
- Learning how to spot Cluster B people is tough for kids trained to enable, but seriou…
- Typical chanting of romantic frauds and toxic parents. #AlternativeFacts flyingmon…
- Seeking validation from abusive or neglectful people is likely to land anyone in a wo…
- #TOXICPARENTS ruin otherwise perfectly happy, healthy, and normal children. Be smarte…
- Sexual assault of minors and adult victims is oftentimes accompanied by a threat of v…
- Sage advice. Keep your mouth shut if you are saying things because you are feeling em…
- Stop listening to #MommyDearest. If your mother is Cluster B, end social and emotiona…
- #DiscardPile
- Set and enforce healthy boundaries with toxic parents. You are not their personal pro…
- #DaddyIssues are typically related to trauma bonding.
- #NoContact
- #SelfDeprecation tends to be a habit learned when a toxic parent ridicules. They expe…
- Narcissistic people expect constant admiration — especially toxic parents. They expe…
- Know your worth. #RealityCheck
- The less contact you have with toxic parents, the more peaceful your life tends to be…
- EQ is something toxic parents fail to teach.
- Success, to a Narcissist or #Cluster B person, is based on core values systems that a…
- The difference between IQ and EQ is NEUROLOGICAL. #ClusterB people lack the ability t…
- What does a #ClusterB person with a Collapsed Narcissist personality sound like when …
- Just say NO to a hoovering hospitality abuser.
- If your mother stayed with their abuser, what reason did she give you for their choic…
- Sound FAMILIAR? #toxicfamily
- So much THIS.
- DENIAL of the truth or of a victim’s right to have their own subjective opinion is a …
- Resist the urge to answer questions a Cluster B person asks with any answer other tha…
- So sayeth the typical Narcissist. People with Cluster B parents tend to end up with s…
- Take daily selfies for health and wellness checks. If you are posting them to be comp…
- #TrueStory
- BEWARE the Alcoholic, Addiction-prone, or Dry Drunk parent. They abuse, lie, and betr…
- Resist the urge to believe people who self-promote while fear mongering to control yo…
- Never trust a person who self-promotes at the expense of others. Seriously. They gasl…
- Protect yourself. Never give a person a SECOND chance to abuse your hospitality or tr…
- Drama Queens who pretend to be nice while gaslighting all their friends and family me…
- Listen up. Toxic Parents and people who don’t realize they are making poor parenting …
- Were your parents toxic and prone to abusing one another, then willfully engaging in …
- Narcissistic abuse victim — know thyself.
- How to spot an #EmotionalAbuse wielding PREDATOR. READ:
- Dear Boy Scouts and non-Cluster B parents who trusted the civic organization to nurtu…
- Refuse to tolerate or aid other people to ABUSE.
- grIeve
- How horizontal thinkers look at things like disappointment, relationships ending, and…
- Cluster B people DEMAND victim silence. They expect victims to keep their secrets. Re…
- Anyone raised by a toxic parent who actively engages in social gaslighting knows ther…
- Analyzing DOUBLESPEAK from a gray rock perspective is essential to unraveling the tox…
- CHILDREN are the most directly impacted by toxic parents and #HIGHCONFLICTDIVORCE. Re…
- Looking for synonyms that can be used to describe DOUBLESPEAK — a verbal, emotional,…
- How #gaslighting works from a mathematical perspective.
- #ClusterB people DESPISE Humanitarians for one incredibly simple reason. They have EQ…
- What is #DOUBLESPEAK? A verbal Narcissistic Abuse technique that uses #Spinning coupl…
- Resist the urge to engage in magical thinking or reverse projection about the core na…
- Set and enforce healthy boundaries. End social enmeshment with people who are prone t…
- Reflections from the mind of a KIND and emotionally sensitive parent. flyingmonkeys…
- It’s a lame excuse for enduring abuse, but surviving darkness truly illuminates emoti…
- If your parent tells you that you are a failure compared to them, prove them wrong. B…
- #CoNarcissist parents tend to ‘stay’ to self promote, prioritizing their romantic rep…
- Most people do not even start to wake to the reality they had Cluster B parents until…
- People who gaslight and have low EQ tend to try to spin words and phrases to mean wha…
- PTSD in CHILDREN tends to manifest in bodies as follows…
- We know. No abuse victim is EVER alone.
- The building blocks of social duress include verbal and emotional abuse. Emotionally …
- PTSD develops after exposure to a SINGLE trauma. If you have been pervasively traumat…
- ANXIETY is a common symptom of C-PTSD and MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY. Soak in Epsom Salt ba…
- Adult Children of Toxic Parents tend to face similar psychological challenges and a l…
- Did your parent, grandparent, or abusive sibling hit YOU in the head when you were a …
- #PTSD happens when a mind is reshaped by a trauma exposure. C-PTSD develops over time…
- What is Avoidant Personality Disorder? #lostchildsyndrome
- #LowContact
- Love fraud recovery sign of the times. <3
- Sometimes you simply have to cut your own metaphorical umbilical cord if it ties you …
- Break the silence. Heal. Tell your story to help inspire others. flyingmonkeysdenie…
- #MOMMYDEAREST attention seeking again? Every time they start, resist the urge to resp…
- Abusers love to call victims of abuse LIARS or CRAZY. It makes them less credible in …
- Cluster B people tend to lack the neurological ability to meaningfully self-reflect. …
- Are you an adult child of #ToxicParents? Welcome to Narcissistic Abuse recovery. fl…
- The Narcissist’s Harem consists of FLYING MONKEYS who enable them. flyingmonkeysden…
- "HI MOM." — the FACE PALM edition. #MommyDearest…
- People who are #SURLY by nature tend to have suffered trauma exposure induced Cluster…
- Hire power?
- Might — seldom if ever — truly makes "RIGHT".
- If someone shows you who they truly are, believe them. Resist the urge to engage in r…
- What were YOUR parent’s parents like? How much do you know about them or your own gre…
- ***
- You CAN survive going low to no contact with toxic people like abusive family members…
- #EmotionalAbuse is a pervasive issue in families controlled or under the influence of…
- #pseudomutuality
- Sage advice. #stonewalling
- What is #GASLIGHTING? The question about the Narcissistic Abuse tactic of presenting …
- If you are the child who outs an abusive parent or toxic family member, expect to be …
- #CycleOfNarcissisticAbuse
- Toxic parents love to blame-shift and avoid self-reflection. Few are willing to liste…
- A graphic to ponder related to People Pleasing, Enabling Narcissistic Supply, and Abu…
- Most Cluster B parents are extreme situational child abusers in private. If they worr…
- #TrueStory
- <3
- <3
- Straight up. If people do not want to be remembered as Abusers, they should not abuse…
- A lovely share from Ross Rosenberg — who says, "I wrote this twenty years ago, …
- Like if you understand what life is like as an adult child of a toxic parent. flyin…
- Resistance is never futile.
- Alcoholism is a nurtured social condition.
- Be the change you want to see.
- Red flags
- #truestory
- Welcome to Narcissistic Abuse recovery. Choose better.
- #TrueStory ~
- Resist the urge to conform to the behavior of toxic people or social predators.
- <3
- #GAMING is for PLAYERS, not family members.
- If your toxic parent raised you to believe success for you would be an impossibility,…
- Keep going, especially when and if an abusive parent or obnoxious family member tries…
- #Leadership requires a dutiful strength of character and service oriented nature. Oth…
- Toxic parents tell their children they are stupid when they make an error based not o…
- Listen closely to determine who harbors a #COLLAPSEDNARCISSIST perspective in your wo…
- Speak the truth even if your voice shakes. Abusive parents tend to always deny their …
- Manufacturing chaos they playing the victim is a trait of serious pathological Narcis…
- #TrueStory
- Speak the truth about your life experiences with toxic family when and if you decide …
- La la La la… #LifeGoesOn
- BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE. Resist the urge to subscribe to the generational promo…
- The faster you end social entanglement with toxic people and abusive family members, …
- If someone tried to convince you a gaslighting ALTERNATIVE FACT was truth, the sooner…
- Toxic parents love to make declarative statements while gaslighting. They hope childr…
- Sometimes it is totally okay to put toxic parent issues on HOLD for discussion for a …
- PERSPECTIVE MATTERS. Never let a toxic family unit be YOUR excuse for not living yo…
- #ToxicParents
- When DEATH BECOMES HER. #MommyDearest
- Growing up in a household with a TOXIC PARENT or ABUSIVE FAMILY UNIT changes a person…
- <3
- DENIAL of abuse does not make an ABUSER morally repentant or in the clear. NEVER trus…
- People who are the victims of #GASLIGHTING tend to suffer from stress illnesses due t…
- #MOMMYDEAREST figures and TOXIC FATHERS tend to demean or marginalize offspring, trea…
- <3 –> #PayItForward Shhhhh… pass it on. 😉
- Sorry, #MommyDearest — but people are finally waking up to your BULLSHIT. Your perso…
- How to spot the CONFORMIST CHILD or CONFORMIST CHILDREN in a toxic family unit. fly…
- #RUNNERS are typically Adult Children of Toxic Parents who chose to flee from toxic s…
- Self-reflection and academic awareness of abuse tactics commonly used by Cluster B pe…
- #ToxicParents do incredible harm to every generation that comes before or after them….
- Learning how to spotthe warning signs of child abuse in YOURSELF if the first step in…
- Look FAMILIAR? If so, you may have been abused by a #ClusterB person or social predat…
- If you suspect your parent does not love you or worse… does not know how to love (i…
- #HEALTHY self-esteem does not reflect selfish, grandiosity, or entitlement behaviors….
- Parents who fail to protect their children from abuse typically role modeled toxic re…
- Love is NOT #TraumaBonding.
- Here’s looking at YOU, #MommyDearest. Neglecting to protect a child from ALL forms of…
- If your parent is unking, utterly egocentric, narcissistic, vain, grandiose, and abus…
- #manipulation
- Educators and neighbors be mindful. Know the warning signs of family crimes.
- Know the signs of family crimes. Humans are not objects to be used and abused by #Clu…
- #toxicparenting
- #RealityCheck
- #smearcampaigning
- Sound familiar? Keep ignoring victims and supporting men and women who engage in LOCK…
- Human rights.
- Something worth pondering about whether or not toxic parents truly get away with soul…
- History matters.
- Every. Single. Frigging. Time. #provoking
- Do not simply aim to survive. End social enmeshment with toxic thinkers and THRIVE. …
- #BACKSTABBING is common behavior for people raised by social predators. flyingmonke…
- Break the silence about GENDER ABUSE and DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.
- #ToxicFamily
- Be strong. End social enmeshment in any place or with any person with whom you do NOT…
- #MommyDearest
- If you have a CLUSTER B parent, pay careful attention. They often show early warning …
- #DEMENTIA is common in NPD people who are over the age of 40. Behavior tends to drama…
- #ToxicMothers
- A depressed, anti-social personality affectation thats prone to snarky behavior and r…
- Survive alive. Abusive parents are NEVER on your side.
- #ToxicParents live to deny life, pleasure, and love from their own children.
- Be the change you want to see. Cheers to Narcissistic Abuse recovery!!! 😀 flyingm…
- Learn to spot the warning signs of a Cluster B person who’s about to lose it. Unless …
- <3
- With love, fondness, and appreciation for LGBT community members who are NOT #Cluster…
- People who stonewall to psychologically abuse other people are not worth the time of …
- Be the change you want to see. If you are an emotionally sensitive person with a neur…
- #toxicsiblings = #chaoticneutral
- It’s NOT #MagicalThinking to believe there are good people and kind human beings on t…
- #ReligiousAbuse
- Enabling is ACTIVELY passively abusing.
- So incredibly stereotypical of toxic parents…
- Remember… if someone succeeds in breaking your spirit, resist the urge to seek thei…
- #ToxicPeople are oftentimes incredibly narcissistic.
- Spot on.
- Respect is a two way street. Without mutual care, concern, value, or interest, there …
- Letting go of hope is the hardest part.
- Smile — its good for the soul.
- LET THEM GO. Let them LIVE. Never stay with people who make you feel like being a kin…
- Dear MAKE AMERICA GREAT "AGAIN" folks who abused and/or enabled to consiste…
- If you let your parents create problems in your life, you are enabling them to behave…
- When people tell you they wish you had never been born or were already dead, BELIEVE …
- You don’t have to forgive an abuser — meaning overlook their actions and allow them …
- People who #GASLIGHT love to SMEAR CAMPAIGN.
- Get past the need to strive to change toxic thinkers minds or abusive people.
- Hello, #MommyDearest.
- #abusiveexpectations
- #teamempath — rise above ground
- Good morning, Narcissistic Abuse survivors. You are WELCOME.
- #truestory
- If the other parent is not a sexual predator or violent Psychopath, keep in mind ever…
- #TRUESTORY ~ #BreakTheSilence about #DomesticViolence.
- Healing from NARCISSISTIC ABUSE is a PROCESS, not an end point.
- No pain? No PAIN. Pain is never required for GAIN.
- Even GOD would prefer adult children go #NoContact with toxic parents. Honor thy true…
- #LAWOFATTRACTION — Pay… pay? Attention.
- #BlameShifting is a #NARCISSISTICABUSE tactic most Cluster B people and co-dependent …
- #BabyBoomers #GenX #GenY #WWIIGeneration #Inheritance #LEGACY
- #ToxicFamily
- #TrueStory
- #EmotionalAbuse is no SMALL issue. Resist the urge to minimize the impact of how word…
- #PAS
- #Stonewalling is a COMMON Baby Boomer and WWII Generation "parenting" metho…
- #MommyDearest #EnablingHenchmen #FlyingMonkeys #NoContact
- A not-so-fun CYBERBULLYING story to share today… We’ve been asked by a reader to …
- #GASLIGHITNG to pretend to misunderstand someone is an ABUSE TACTIC.
- #truestory
- Forget your toxic mother or abusive father. Who do YOU want your daughter to turn out…
- #mommydearest
- Never let a toxic family member or friend bully you into doing something you know ref…
- #Gaslighting is a tactic routinely employed on children, authority figures, and other…
- #TrueStory
- #CarpeMomentum ~
- Proof positive perspective MATTERS.
- Yes, this post was meant to be SARCASTIC. As in… #MOMMYDEAREST was a real winner.
- #TrueStory
- The beauty of NARCISSISTIC ABUSE RECOVERY is once you disengage from #ENMESHMENT thin…
- Help for mental health care issues is available 24/7 to any person truly seeking to a…
- Toxic parents have a flawed understanding of what the word love even means. Be mindfu…
- Narcissistic parents and toxic grandparents are oftentimes guilty of #GRANDIOSITY — …
- #SituationalAbuse happens when only the abuser and the VICTIM are looking. flyingmo…
- You. Are. GOOD.
- Enabling your own abuse is not LOVE. It’s Stockholm Syndrome thinking based, more tha…
- Letting go of toxic family members is the hardest thing most abuse victims ever have …
- It’s totally okay to love toxic parents and Cluster B relatives from a healthy physic…
- #CrazyMaking people are to be AVOIDED. Keep healthy boundaries enforced to prevent Cl…
- #DarkTriad
- Ummmm… hello? #ToxicParents #ToxicThinking #BadRomance #WhatLoveIsnt
- Resist the urge to engage in #ReverseProjection — seeing good in a person where ther…
- Embrace your inner #Eminem.
- Children who are socially invalidated a lot turn out to be grown ups who repress and …
- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- Take back your life; set healthy boundaries.
- <3
- If you have been BLOCKED and are still reading this page, please for the love of all …
- #Underparentling children and encouraging hedonistic or ruthless egocentrism ends up …
- When #RBF is a cover for #CPTSD, chances are no amount of drawn on eyebrow in the WOR…
- When one child lies in a family unit, all people of the familial tribe suffer.
- Adult children raised to battle with their siblings are those most prone to abusing n…
- #SiblingAbuse (whether consensual or not) is DOMESTIC ABUSE.
- #SiblingAbuse is NEVER something that should be overlooked, minimized, or TOLERATED. …
- Nothing quite like being raised in a family living in the same family with a #Cluste…
- Sorry, kids. Welcome to Narcissistic Abuse Recovery. If you are reading here, chances…
- #SiblingRivalry #NarcissisticAbuse #CPTSD #FamilyTherapyIssues
- #PassiveAggression and lying to get your OWN needs met at the expense of others are c…
- #SiblingRivalry
- #SituationalAbuse
- #SiblingRivalry is manufactured TRIANGULATION. Children who are raised being manipula…
- #MommyDearest
- Physical abusers love to claim their victims and targets are either overly sensitive …
- #GrayRock
- #SiblingRivalry coupled with aggression is a precursor to children who are situationa…
- Beware the leering grandpa figure. Just because he’s old or physically fragile does n…
- Never trust a grandparent prone to socially competing for a child’s affection. #GRAND…
- Parents who fail to teach their children respect for others create social leviathans …
- Tough love is not something to simply rigorously apply to others. Learn to identify c…
- If you are being abused, LEAVE.
- Dear #MommyDearest…
- Let peace begin with me. #SilentUnity #Reflection #AbuseRecovery
- #Validation is key to psychological recovery from Narcissistic Abuse… but understan…
- #Minimization is ENABLING abuse of yourself and others affected in any way, shape of …
- Narcissists tend to get WORST with age, learning only how to cover their covert situa…
- #dissociation
- #abandonment
- It’s a brave new world. Let toxic parents and their bad parenting and lifestyle habit…
- Forget about your INHERITANCE. If you have toxic parents, the only gift they intend t…
- Ever wonder what having #POROUSBOUNDARIES metaphorically looks like?
- Hello, #MommyDearest!
- A spiritual and emotional lesson toxic parents are likely to ridicule.
- Embrace the honesty of raw emotion. Let awareness flow through you to the point of st…
- There is no greater prison than the mind, unexamined.
- And the wheels on the karma bus go ’round and around… FLYINGMONKEYSDENIED.COM
- #GASLIGHTING is one of the most extreme and cruel forms of psychological and emotiona…
- Set healthy lifestyle boundaries and don’t be afraid to enforce them when and if abus…
- You are who you decide to be.
- #CrazyMaking
- #childabuse
- #UNDERMINING is the art of destabilizing a person’s momentum covertly.
- #ToxicParents always have to "win" every argument. They will do or say anyt…
- Trigger Alert for #ENABLINGHENCHMEN — never allow a narcissistic person to talk you …
- Go for QUALITY in life — never "quantity".
- Rules of the Road.
- Keep trying.
- If you don’t have good parents to show you how to live a healthy way in life, disenga…
- It’s not up to the people that broke you to heal you. Taking personal responsibility …
- What we fail to gleen from reflecting over our past we are destined to repeat in the …
- Be brave.
- #GrayRock
- #ForensicPsychology
- #GrayRock
- No means no… except to a toxic parent behaving abusively toward their own child.
- #medicalabuse
- #BreakTheSilence
- #Quotes
- #GrayRock ~ #NoContact
- #ToxicFamilyValues #DarkTriad #Psychopaths
- #toxicparents #toxicfamily #toxicadultchildren
- #motivation v. #excusesexcuses
- #GrayRock
- Dear ADULT CHILD OR PARENT WITH CLUSTER B… you really need to understand something….
- #Hoovering #SmearCampaigning #VictimShaming #Manipulating
- Feel the fear and go #NoContact anyway. Give it 18-24 months of no enmeshment whatsoe…
- #TeamEmpath
- #ToxicFathers tend to be incredibly vain, shallow, and narcissistic.
- #MommyDearest
- Toxic parents teach faulty LOVE values.
- #MommyDearest
- #ChildSupport should NEVER have to be "court ordered", "income deducti…
- Toxic parents create then promote SIBLING RIVALRY. Most get off watching rival childr…
- There’s NO SHAME in going low to no contact with any person or family member who trea…
- No matter how good you are or how hard you try, one can simply never please a TOXIC P…
- Ever wonder why so many toxic parents are eager to bad mouth or lie about the behavio…
- Life as the adult child of a TOXIC PARENT — or something like it, when and if you fe…
- #MommyDearest
- The GREATEST GENERATION spawned most of them.
- #TrueStory
- To all good sons and daughters of the world… this one’s for YOU.
- Unless they had a toxic spouse or horrible senior citizen parents.
- #DEADBEAT Mothers do as much damage to children or more than DEADBEAT FATHERS.
- #TrueStory — *wincing ha*
- Said the #deadbeat parents, everywhere.
- Actions ALWAYS speak louder than words.
- Cluster B parents put their own personal and social desires above the moral and ethic…
- #MommyDearest
- You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with… CHOOSE WISELY. flyingmo…
- Divorce might be hard, but no fate is worse than spending a lifetime in a place you e…
- "Everytime — meaning without fail, and without a doubt…" — ANON. Toxi…
- Dear toxic people —
- Tolerating #HATESPEECH causes C-PTSD in scapegoats, targets, and people who happen to…
- #NotOneWord #Gaslighting
- If you come from a toxic family, always remember — ONCE YOU KNOW BETTER, DO BETTER.
- #DaddyIssues
- #TrueStory…because NARCY people cannot conceptualize life according to a full range…
- When you go NO CONTACT with toxic people and make a pledge to yourself to stop reacti…
- #DomesticAbuse is oftentimes dished out by abusive parents. Those who suffer it as ch…
- Adult children of toxic parent oftentimes long for their parents, father, or mother t…
- Narcissistic senior citizens are some of the world’s most inveterate LIARS.
- Healthy boundary setting 101…
- Truly the essence of going GRAY ROCK…
- Like it or not, the apple never falls far from the tree. Childhood wounds have a way …
- If you only buy ONE BOOK on how to overcome toxic parenting, this one is the book we …
- People who refuse to grow or adapt to change in positive measures are not "old&q…
- Straight up — the most painful part of being abused as a child or as an adult child …
- All narcissistic parents love to throw emotional BREADCRUMBS to their spiritually sta…
- Toxic parents spend a child’s lifetime making them think they are the reason for the …
- Getting used to the idea of not having a family can be tough, but being alone in a NO…
- This is especially true for toxic children as well as toxic parents.
- Toxic pants only care about themselves. If they don’t need something from you or crav…
- Children are supposed to be narcissistic by nature when they are little — PARENTS ar…
- Stop enabling… especially when toxic family members encourage you to overlook Narci…
- How do you KNOW your parent is toxic? If they routinely act like everything on this l…
- Narcissistic parents ALL love themselves first. Their children? Only by extension.
- Standing up to an abusive or Narcissistic parent can be terrifying and have profound,…
- #TrueStory
- #mommydearest #toxicparents #sabotage #relationships
- Have an item of sentimental import you fear will be lost to you forever when and if y…
- AMEN to new beginnings — regardless of how painful the end.
- Persist in the good; perseverance investing your mind, heart, body, and soul in doing…
- Ever heard the storyline, "Trust but VERIFY?" Resist the urge to minimize. …
- Hind sight is 20/20. Learn how to go Gray Rock and observe — rather than react — to…
- Apparently, not "imagining things". THIS is the heartbeat of America revivi…
- Parents who show favoritism create sibling rivalry. While they tend to helicopter par…
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