From Timeline Photos. Posted by SAD: Support for Abused and Discarded Parents on 8/30/2016 (1291 items)
- Feel the feels, accept, make peace with reality, and give yourself permission to live…
- Trigger alert. #alienation
- #Triangulation
- #VisitationInterference lays the groundwork for LIFETIME PARENTAL ALIENATION. flyin…
- Let them go. Give yourself permission to grieve their loss and to learn how to live i…
- Don’t take the bait when an troll uses the internet to strive to con you into wasting…
- Avoid anyone who tells you enabling Cluster B individuals is anything other than CODE…
- Covert Domestic Abuser typical MO
- Persevere.
- #Alienation of affection using gaslighting tactics, bribery, menacing, or taking host…
- And the most worthwhile endeavor.
- Every person has a beginning. Make yours a start to comprehensive Narcissistic Abus…
- #NoContact ends dangerous relationships. Let them go if the…
- Cut the cord. Trust if they have 50% of YOUR DNA (and you are a good person) that the…
- Humans are not just the good things that we do; we are everything that we do. Be mind…
- Words matter. So do action and character. Insincere or invalid apology is almost more…
- It is what it is.
- #ItIsWhatItIs
- If you have a Cluster B family member or you come from a toxic family — pace yoursel…
- Just a suggestion. <3 #OxygenMasking <3
- #HackMars
- Permission granted.
- XO
- <3
- Internet safety and health update! New studies confirm most Internet Trolls are over…
- Dear Anyone who seriously needs to hear this… xo #NoCon…
- Set limits. People Pleasing without self harming is an art.…
- If you were abused during a marriage or relationship and your child or adult children…
- #Enabling is passive abuse of the PREDATOR. They freeze their own neuropsychology whe…
- #NoContact let them go. give yourself permission to live
- This just in. <3 TELL A FRIEND #PayItForward #LifeCh…
- XO
- Overcome COGNITIVE DISSONANCE and MAGICAL THINKING about Cluster B humans. They are n…
- #Alienated #Erased #ParentAbuse We are indeed statistical adult children of toxic p…
- Know your group. Keep your circle of social trust and interaction small after going l…
- Except when they are born bio Cluster B — and even then, the right pro-social enviro…
- Let Toxic Adult Humans over the age of 28 go. If they are still abusive and "tee…
- On Betrayal.
- #HealthyBoundaries respected allow relationships to flourish. FlyingMonkeysDenied.c…
- Embrace reality. Reclaim your time.
- Having a challenging time understanding the behavior of a child of a Cluster B parent…
- Happy Father’s Day Estranged and Alienated Parents, Discard Pile Caregivers, Discarde…
- Let toxic people go. Remember salt.
- Parental Alienation is nothing more complicated than a pattern NARCISSISTIC ABUSE TAC…
- never lie it’s a waste of emotional space and time
- What does it mean when someone lies to you or about you? It means they are a LIAR. No…
- Be careful kids — co-parents who abuse your primary parent and vanish love to triang…
- Stop being AVAILABLE to abuse. That’s how to stop the Narcissistic Cycle of Abuse if …
- #reclaimingMYtime
- No JADE #grayrock
- #Gaslighting If you don’t know what the term means you are …
- Subjective assertions by Gaslighters are oftentimes manipulative and riddled with fal…
- Liars lie. Good people understand the value of always uttering words that are true. I…
- #LiarLiarPantsOnFire Never let a person lie to or about you with your assistance TWI…
- Stop lying to yourself and to others immediately if you are. Nothing good comes from …
- #Grooming is the psychological term used to describe Social Predators nurturing toxic…
- #TrueStory
- #Narcissists are fickle, transactional people. They find no value in truth — only in…
- #LiarLiarPantsOnFire
- #ParentAbuse
- #TrueStory
- Take this in.
- #proparenting
- Find better people to spend time with or thinking about than anyone Cluster B or who …
- <3
- Being patient does not mean be stupid and act like a verbal waffling Enabler. If your…
- Celebrate empty nest if your adult children or step kids treat you less than the best…
- How to spot an adult child with ASPD. Self check and if you are MISERABLE around them…
- Happy Mother’s Day MOM. Remember today is about YOUR memory of what it was like to gi…
- Happiest of Mothers Days. Celebrate empty nest if you accidentally raised Cluster B a…
- Let them go. Give yourself and them permission to live wit…
- Be fruitful and multiply blessings you focus on and acknowledge to improve your neuro…
- The hardest part of parenting an AT RISK child or Cluster B adult.…
- Do your best. Compete or compare yourself with only the pers…
- Out damn Spot.
- Daily reminder.
- #HighConflictDivorce Checklist for Interaction 1 — is it necessary to respond 2…
- #HighConflictDivorce Two years of working out custody and visitation and co-parentin…
- #HighConflictDivorce involves abuse that continues outside of the marriage. Abuser ar…
- Let ’em blah blah blah blah blah as much as they see fit to want. Clean up the carnag…
- Wherever you go, be all the way there. Not living in the past or in fear of the futur…
- Break the cycle. Travel to grow. Give yourself permission to engage in self care. …
- XO Note to self and everyone else.
- Know your human worth. Stand your moral and intellectual ground. End communication wi…
- Give yourself permission to grieve the loss of Cluster B adult children’s social supp…
- Mental Vacay.
- Sharing is CARING. Overcome.
- REMEMBER parents — YOU have a right to a personal life, to PRIVACY, to your own adul…
- When in doubt… cry it out. #TimeTravellersWife
- All Cluster B people pathologically gaslight. It’s their nature. The more they are en…
- #EmotionalLiteracy includes understanding innately as well as academically the differ…
- You have to meet people where they are — just saying.
- hold on pain ends
- Dear problematic adult child. OUT DAMN SPOT. <3
- Refuse to be a #DEADBEAT parent. Be there unless they are Cluster B adult, medically …
- #ParentAbuse happens when a child elects to behave disresp…
- Some kids are pain in the arses. Others are legends. Whatever the case, meet offsprin…
- SO MUCH YES! If you make a mistake and harm ANYONE and realize they are hurt or wer…
- Be smarter. Understand when someone is manipulating you biologically by weaponizing…
- Differentiate yourself from your child if the umbilical cord has already been cut. Ge…
- Reflect. Is it smarter to learn from the past and to engage in the present with goa…
- We found the hinge. Tweak NLP using this to overcome codependent nurtured toxic think…
- Adult bullies are typically control freaks who get off on issues related to dominance…
- Ignorance is BLISS according to Enablers willing to socially support Abusers while pr…
- If you are the parent of a BIO ASPD adult child… chances are you already know and f…
- Hospitality abuse is common in toxic peer groups. This group is here to answer privat…
- People who gaslight make anyone HSP or emotionally intelligent feel like they are goi…
- Live and give yourself permission to stop making the same CODEPENDENT thinking inspir…
- Trauma Bonding is NEVER love.
- Give yourself permission to stop engaging with manipulative people’s toxic assertions…
- #HighConflictDivorce Refuse to turn your child into a WEAPO…
- Parallel Parenting is required in ANY high conflict divorce setting. Cluster B co-par…
- Resist the hoovering — especially around any special ceremonial event or holiday. …
- Let go of MAGICAL THINKING and COGNITIVE DISSONANCE if your child esteems Cluster B a…
- #Alienation typically includes the target of a Cluster B person suffering multiple fo…
- What is #Taunting? Narcissistic Abuse — Schoolyard BULLY variety. flyingmonkeysden…
- #MommyDearest figures who engage in #INFANTIZATION of targeted people tend to be prof…
- Know the signs someone is trying to alienate a target for social abuse and isolation….
- #MommyDearest
- Know somebody with an ANGER MANAGEMENT problem? That’s court jargon for someone being…
- Understand what ALIENATION of a child or adult’s affection from healthy family member…
- #ParentalAlienation damages humans for LIFE no matter what age the hospitality abuse …
- #StockholmSyndrome
- #9thCircle
- By the fourth year away, the trauma bonding pull is no longer likely to draw you near…
- Kids who, as teens and adults, treat parents terribly gaslight, abuse, mistreat, take…
- Give yourself permission to close and lock the doors and windows and to turn the homi…
- Advice for wayward, partying adult children.
- Nurturing matters. So does how a child is parented. Quash social and emotional glutto…
- #NEVERALONE or without reason to smile.
- Yeah — about that… NO. #HealthyBoundaries
- It’s perfectly normal and morally appropriate not to have feelings of "like"…
- NOTE TO SELF. #SelfReflection
- Just so you know — if a co-parent is doing these things to you or to your child (den…
- Look FAMILIAR? One or more of these adults is promoting #TRAUMABONDING rituals. T…
- Abused children often seek to win the favor and affection of their Abuser — even abu…
- #ParentalAlienation
- Be ready for this from anyone you know who has Cluster B issues. flyingmonkeysdenie…
- If you can’t find someone who’s kind, be someone who is kind. Be someone who is kind …
- As often as possible.
- Being pestered by an ex and jumping through hoops on command by habit? End the #ENMES…
- #Perspective matters.
- Let them go.
- RAWR. (That means I love you in Guardian Angel and Dinosaur.)
- Remember who you were before you were a parent. Say hello to that inner self. Give yo…
- It’s perfectly sane and moral to say NO to tolerating or enabling more abuse. Doing s…
- #PAS creates CLUSTER B kids.
- SOMETIMES… adult children of kind parents develop personality disorders. flying…
- #HappyHalloween and pumpkin spiced latte season. Just say no to emotional vampirism a…
- When it’s time to let Cluster B adult children "go" — meaning to end socia…
- Believe it or not, this meme is true and shares the actual key to take back your powe…
- Let them go. Love them in your own way from a distance if your child is an adult with…
- Where to boys are.
- #ATRISKCHILDREN are just that — at risk of developing serious personality disorders …
- Refuse to let ANYONE con you into hiding abuse — especially for the sake of your rep…
- #TraumaBonding is only healthy for a little while.
- #Provoking is a Narcissistic Abuse tactic.
- Doppelgangers. <3
- Parental Alienation NEVER benefits the alienated. Or the Alienator. Or their abuse ta…
- Social sabotage.
- Parental Alienation of children tends to create Cluster B or damaged adults. flying…
- #ParentalAlienation involves sabotage of an otherwise loving relationship between a c…
- Cluster B people destroy EVERYONE’S lives when and if they are enabled to do so at an…
- <3
- Be the change. Set and enforce healthy boundaries.
- <3
- Enabling is the passive aggressive neglect and covert abuse of an active ABUSER while…
- Keep going, single parents. You can do this. You are and you will. FlyingMonkeysDen…
- An ALIENATED child is nothing to wish on any human being no matter how much you disli…
- STAY WOKE… #CPTSD #ProParenting #RealityCheck #SleepCycles giggle GIVE YOURSELF …
- #EmptyNest is truly blessed.
- #TrueStory <3
- #EMPTYNEST never quite felt so blessed as when the person leaving you alone to care f…
- Trauma bonding causes parents to do too much for abusive, neglectful, rude, egocentri…
- #EmotionalVampires
- #ByeFelicia BANISH TROLLS.
- <3 Give yourself permission to grieve the lost of your c…
- #LiarLiarPantsOnFire
- Cluster B people are the ultimate attention seekers.
- DETACH. Whatever it takes.
- #BlameShifting "SHE DESERVED IT."
- #NarcissisticAbuse
- <3 DISCLOSE to YOURSELF what hyou already know.
- #GrayRock
- Missing those times when our children were little is absolutely NORMAL. What’s NOT no…
- UGH. #Underparenting
- Rawr. That means I LOVE YOU really loud in Dinosaur. <3
- It’s APPROPRIATE to set and enforce healthy boundaries in your home for the sake of y…
- #NoContact 411. Be prepared.
- #BreakTheSilence Tell someone in confidence — preferably who does not know your chi…
- #CYCLEOFNARCISSISTICABUSE If this sounds familiar, welcome to Narcissistic Abuse rec…
- If your adult child is Cluster B close your wallet expediently. flyingmonkeysdenied…
- #ObsessedExSyndrome <3
- Just being honest.
- <3
- Let them go. Set healthy boundaries and don’t be afraid to enforce them with any pers…
- See the problem? The NLP here programs parents and children to be socially COMPETITIV…
- Refuse to tolerate or to overlook the abuse or willful neglect of self or of others b…
- How to spot the CLUSTER B person in any social issue or civic dispute. flyingmonkey…
- Surf’s UP, kiddos. <3 …
- Share with anyone you love like a SISTER. Tell anyone who you think of like a brother…
- #Psychopaths <3
- Know when to let it go. Give yourself permission to live. Love toxic people by giving…
- Oh my gosh, YES. citation: unknown
- Are you an ACTIVE LISTENER? If not, become one IMMEDIATELY. If you fail to understand…
- sigh
- Missing your kid? That’s something called TRAUMA BONDING that your body is feeling. E…
- #BPD typically forms in a child by or before 18 months. Children who are not given li…
- Putting on your own oxygen mask first if a plane is going down is advisable before st…
- Hang in there, Dads, and alienated mothers or step-mothers being treated like subhuma…
- #HealthyBoundaries It’s NECESSARY to set personal boundarie…
- #PAS #ParentalAlienationSyndrome #ParentalAlienation #Alienation — all key words and…
- Perspective matters.
- HAPPY MOTHERS WHAT? #HappyMothersDay #HolidaySabotage #Tox…
- PERSPECTIVE matters. Differentiate. #HappyMothersDay
- Honesty without tact or humor is actually social BRUTALITY.
- Happy Mother’s Day! Make it yours — not anyone else’s. Differentiating between y…
- Smile. It’s okay to allow yourself to do on occasion. You survived HELL if your child…
- Be neither a control freak nor a victim of one. Set and enforce healthy boundaries wi…
- Parental Alienation is ANTI-SOCIAL. Alienation of ANYONE for fun or for sadistic reas…
- THIS. <3
- #NoContact is a safe emotional and physical space to be in — intellectually and phy…
- #Gaslighting darkens rather than illuminates minds.
- Valid apologies seldom come from narcissistic or anti-social people. Valid apologies …
- Hey — I think we know that person. Correction — USED TO KNOW that person. flyingm…
- Alas. #NarcissisticFlip
- Sound familiar? If so, consider the possibility your adult child has taken over left …
- Signs and Symptoms of Parental Alienation "According to Baker, children display…
- THIS. #ChildhoodConductDisorder TRUST YOUR GUT.
- No matter WHAT the age, a human behaving in abusive or neglectful and anti-social man…
- <3
- Cluster B people have preferences in Narcissistic Supply. They panic without their mo…
- NOPE. {{{ not HOPE }}} Let them go.
- If you are doing stuff on this list, STOP. Own your own bullship. After that? Min…
- #HealthyBoundaries <3
- Keep the faith and educate. Narcissistic Abuse recovery is POSSIBLE. flyingmonkeysd…
- There is no feeling lonelier than being in a room with people who are supposed to lov…
- #ASPD is the acronym for Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Click the hashtag to read …
- #ClusterB is the name for the group of socially competitive, egocentric personality t…
- #AntiSocial #ClusterB #PersonalityDisorder
- Know your circle. Not everyone who smiles at your face or who asks probing questions …
- Let them go if they are abusive. Give yourself permission to live. #ParentalAlienati…
- #RealityCheck PERSEVERE.
- Let them GO. Give yourself permission to LIVE.
- "Disorders Associated with CD — After adjusting for sociodemographic characteri…
- Kids who develop BPD have short bursts of rapidly changing intense mood swings. Those…
- #OppositionalDefiantDisorder is oftentimes a pre-cursor to a child developing a nurtu…
- #OppositionalDefiantDisorder
- #ConductDisorder — extreme.
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder is typically a NURTURED condition. However, it oftentim…
- Welcome, welcome everyone. bookmark: Thank YOU for…
- If you are treated like garbage by your step-kids or by your romantic partner’s ex be…
- <3
- <3
- Codependent? Don’t PANIC. There are things we learn about ourselves and skill sets we…
- Types of Co-Dependent relationships are important to know for any person in Narcissis…
- Eliminate co-dependent thinking from your head. Learn to appreciate things like havin…
- Adult children are NOT responsible for our happiness any more than we are for theirs….
- Have you become more or less codependent on family members as you have aged? Think ab…
- If your child is a drug user who likes feeling an adrenaline rush, understand if they…
- #NarcissisticAbuse, tolerated and enabled actively or passively, is costly short ter…
- Sound familiar? If yes, you have been living in a toxic social environment. flyingm…
- #ElderAbuse is something Adult Children with Cluster B issues engage in — feeling en…
- Really think through if you trust your adult child to take care of senior or a medica…
- Unless they are BIOLOGICALLY Cluster B. Do your best, hope…
- #ELDERABUSE and neglect happens to parents of Adult Children with Cluster B personali…
- #ParentAbuse
- #ParentAbuse is a serious issue.
- Let the universe bring you a joy to fill the space in your life left open by an alien…
- #MalignantNarcissism checklist. (In case anybody reading this post was actually won…
- If your co-parent is or was violent or stalked you and your child or your children af…
- #Codependency issues create more personal, professionl, health related, and psycholog…
- #Triangulation
- Victim of a HIGH CONFLICT DIVORCE causing personality type after enduring pervasive a…
- Toxic people are not "trustworthy". What they are is PREDICTABLE. flyingm…
- <3
- <3
- Keep your circle only infused with pro-social people who understand the spiritual dyn…
- Does this description of a toxic and abusive wife sound like your adult child? If so,…
- Be mindful about the present. Embrace the current by remembering the past in such a w…
- You are NEVER alone. You’ve got this. Keep going. As Joe Biden says, "It will ge…
- Destruct much? #ChildhoodConductDisorder
- Cute.
- Forms of abuse include but are not limited to the following types. flyingmonkeysden…
- If you are doing all these things right but still ended up in the discard pile with a…
- While it’s true we cannot replace lost or alienated children in the space in our hear…
- You win some, you learn some.
- Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries in life is essential for short term happines…
- <3
- If you were abandoned by a parent, then by a co-parent, and then by an adult child……
- Every time. This needs to CHANGE. Keep the faith and EDUCATE. flyingmonkeysdeni…
- EMOTIONAL and social abuse produce physical harm in the people lied to or about. fl…
- The NARCISSISTIC CYCLE of abuse will continue as long as you continue to participate….
- The cycle of Narcissistic Abuse only continues to spin if you choose to participate. …
- Best to withdraw and to keep your mouth shut when in the presence of someone who is d…
- Don’t think you know your Cluster B person of interest. You don’t. flyingmonkeysden…
- Be wary of the person who treats themself like a trophy whose affection or loyalty ca…
- Just because you knew them when they were two does not mean they get to treat you lik…
- STOP reacting. START observing.
- #Splitting
- #LoveFraud #ToxicFamily #RelationshipCasualties <3
- ALAS. The kind parent will always be treated like a MONSTER by anyone in the family w…
- Refuse to play. End or limit social contact with ANY person — your child or not — w…
- #TrueStory
- REMINDER. #LifeChangingTips
- If you are in no contact status with an abusive adult child, celebrate it. Let them g…
- #ElderAbuse is a PREVENTABLE issue.
- Stop enabling to show you CARE.
- Defining abuse and tactics used to abuse is a real eye opener for people who are pron…
- If you keep treating your adult child like they are six, you are not going to have a …
- If you made the mistake of staying and your children are paying the psychological pri…
- <3
- Enabling springs from trauma bonding. Stop.
- #ParentalAlienation is CHILD ABUSE not matter the age of the child triangulated. fl…
- Stop making excuses for your adult child’s behavior. Most people who come from a diff…
- Were you the victim of a LOVE FRAUD predator who lied to you to win your affection, a…
- There is no successful way to co-parent with a Cluster B person. Aim for parallel par…
- Self check your own behavior and NLP daily. If you made or make a mistake in action o…
- Sad but true — the more narcissistic the person the more likely they are to actively…
- You are NOT being a supportive or "good" parent if you are enabling toxic b…
- #BreakTheSilence
- Where are you on this chart? If you don’t know, figure it out. flyingmonkeysdenied….
- Parents who are being abused by their kids and their mates oftentimes develop Narciss…
- If your son is one of those "angry men" read up on COLLAPSED NARCISSIST per…
- Telling a Cluster B person NO always infuriates them. But an Abuser enabled and encou…
- YES. Abusers do know what they are doing. It’s WHY they do it. #ParentAbuse #Aliena…
- Your adult child’s peers are not their friend if they are supporting and grooming tox…
- Be a kind and loving parent by refusing to enable Cluster B adult children — your ow…
- Stop enabling whenever YOU are ready to effect a positive LONG TERM and pro-social ch…
- trauma bonding is never love enabling is the result of trauma bonding flyingmonkeys…
- Parental alienation oftentimes feels a lot like this if you are the KIND PARENT and h…
- Cluster B kids might get REALLY MAD when you stop tolerating abuse or enabling them t…
- If you kid won’t say it, we will. THANK YOU FOR BEING A MOM. We see all the wonde…
- Put on your own oxygen mask FIRST if the plane is crashing and YOU are the adult. f…
- So much THIS. #ToughLove
- Break the ENABLING PATTERN by striving to be a SUPPORT PERSON for your adult child. T…
- It’s HEARTBREAKING to watch a child being gaslight and groomed to become an Abuser. I…
- Getting over abuse from a toxic child or abusive and neglectful children takes time, …
- Stop enabling. It will hurt like heck for a while and make you feel selfish and awkwa…
- Tough love is ALWAYS harder on the person doing the loving from a distance than it ev…
- <3 Let them go. Let yourself LIVE. Adult children need to understand their word…
- Living with an abuse – prone child is even more exhausting at times than dealing with…
- Can a child with nurtured Oppositional Defiant Disorder make the mental switch to Chi…
- Kids with OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER tend to become adults who like to bully, taun…
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder is caused by nurture — not biological nature. A child …
- Unlike Childhood Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder is wholly learned an…
- Struggling to figure out why your child is capable of callous disregard for the lives…
- Many children with CONDUCT DISORDER inspired by a medical condition like genetic dama…
- Really understand the difference between CONDUCT DISORDER and other dysfunctions. Kid…
- #ForensicPsychology of Cluster B adults always shows signs of pattern behavior emergi…
- Girls can become career criminals or serial abusers, too. Stop pretending BOYS WILL B…
- Most adults with ASPD tend to behave like they are morally insane. Those with extreme…
- Why does #ASPD form in an adult or a child? It tends to develop based on a variety of…
- Not sure if your adult child is normal and in a bad mood or if they actually have som…
- ADHD is common in families where one or more blood relatives (such as a mother or fat…
- ADHD is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT the same thing as a child having CONDUCT DISORDER. It als…
- ADD or ADHD does not make a child prone to violence. It’s not an excuse for social ag…
- Misdiagnosis of children with CONDUCT DISORDER typically happens when therapists and …
- If your child or adult child shows signs of lacking a conscience or gets excited harm…
- Disinhibition is the most obvious sign a child or young adult is afflicted with CONDU…
- Family members, parents, and pets are the people most likely to be pervasively mistre…
- Occupational, academic, and economic problems are common for teens and young adults w…
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder tends to be based on nurture especially during early ch…
- Conduct Disorder cannot be "prevented" but it can be self managed by a chil…
- Failure to help children with CONDUCT DISORDER learn how to understand their body and…
- Refuse to enable a child to successfully abuse the hospitality of yourself or of othe…
- I2%-16% of children in the U.S. are likely to have diagnosed, misdiagnosed, or undiag…
- When a child is pervasively AT RISK, it means they are likely to develop lifelong Clu…
- Low EQ and a lack of empathy response in a child or adult is readily observable on ne…
- Childhood Conduct Disorder is not a joke. It’s the precursor to an adult forming full…
- Have your own DNA tested and that of your child if you want to know what you and they…
- Biological ASPD present from birth tends to manifest as Childhood Conduct Disorder FI…
- Conduct Disorder seldom if ever presents as only one set of symptoms. Expect kids wit…
- AT RISK KIDS oftentimes engage in non-productive or defiant behavior. Kids with CONDU…
- Does your minor or adult child lie, gaslight, steal, or engage in other criminal beha…
- Destructive behavior towards their own gifted or other people’s personal and or commu…
- Aggressive behavior is one of the main symptoms of Conduct Disorder. It presents in …
- At-Risk kids oftentimes show behavioral issues. That’s not the same thing as a child …
- Conduct Disorder is the precursor to the formation of ASPD in adults. Resist the urge…
- What is the long term prognosis for a child with CONDUCT DISORDER? They are likely to…
- If your child has Conduct Disorder and you decide to stick it out and to strive to pa…
- Like any Cluster B personality type, Childhood Conduct Disorder is diagnosed by profe…
- Reality check — being an AT RISK kid greatly increases the chance of a child failing…
- Environmental factors are likely to lead to the formation or enhancement of Conduct D…
- If your child shows signs of Conduct Disorder or the early development of ASPD with a…
- Understanding there are VARIATIONS of type as well as of extremity of Childhood Condu…
- Violation of social norms or family rules is common in AT RISK children. Kids with Ch…
- If you make the mistake of trusting a child with Conduct Disorder or an ASPD adult wi…
- Deceitful behavior is COMMON from children, teens, and adults who display traits of C…
- Aggressive Conduct is one of the key symptoms of Childhood Conduct Disorder in a chil…
- What are the symptoms of Conduct Disorder in children, teens, and extremely young adu…
- Did you know there is more than one type of Childhood Conduct Disorder? The types are…
- What is Conduct Disorder? If your child or teen has it, the way you will know is by r…
- What are the signs and symptoms of Conduct Disorder? Parents of CCD kids tend to repo…
- #ConductDisorder can be detected in children as young as 2 years old. However, histor…
- Expect children, teens, and very young adults with Childhood Conduct Disorder to lie …
- Childhood Conduct Disorder oftentimes involves the destruction of property. Kids with…
- #ConductDisorder symptoms in children, adolescents, and extremely young adults includ…
- Loving Cluster B adult children or adults in general is never going to be "enoug…
- If you have the ability to reflect in a meaningful way about items on the list and yo…
- Let them go if they are no longer a part of your life or your growth. Better to be al…
- Love Cluster B children from a safe and healthy emotional space as well as from a ser…
- Sorry kiddos. NO MEANS NO. Setting and enforcing healthy lifestyle boundaries and cho…
- Keep the faith and EDUCATE. Trauma bonding is NEVER love. It’s a survival mechanism. …
- Cluster B adults abuse and neglect their loving parent many times far more brutally a…
- Self care is essential in Narcissistic Abuse recovery. So is setting and enforcing he…
- Just say NO to trauma bonding control.
- Refuse to allow a toxic adult child to cause YOUR health to fail. flyingmonkeysdeni…
- #Triangulation is an abuse tactic used to isolate a target in order to make them easi…
- #Anger is not an EMOTION. It’s a SURVIVAL INSTINCT. There’s a difference.
- #ToxicShame causes VICTIMS to wither while ABUSERS profit, live full lives, and GAIN….
- People who are undereducated about basic psychology terms and the academic study of L…
- Mistaking what ‘is’ as what ‘ought to be’ is an example of fallacious thinking. Scien…
- It’s PERFECTLY okay to be ALONE on a holiday. Take all the time out you need for self…
- Refuse to behave like a toxic co-parent. Allowing adult children to decide their own …
- If you let an abusive parent or partner talk to you like this when your child was lit…
- Be the voice of empathic reason when speaking to any age or persuasion of child if yo…
- Never beg and expect good results when it comes to seeking attention or affection fro…
- Only you have the ability to fix yourself. Why behave as if someone else with their o…
- Expect BS from Cluster B adults and toxic kids every holiday. Not just on Christmas. …
- If your child has made the decision to walk away — healthy for them to choose or not…
- Set the boundaries and enforce them. It’s painful to end social enmeshment — physica…
- If your child has a CLuster B personality type, steady yourself. When they want to ma…
- #ToughLove <3
- Resist the urge to nurture abuse. <3
- If you make a mistake, once you know better strive to CHOOSE better. flyingmonkeysd…
- See the positive in loving a Cluster B adult child from a distance. Is it tragic to h…
- If a child’s parent is a cheater, career criminal, abusive, or a liar, expect them to…
- The CHILD of a cheater raised watching a parent abuse their co-parent will learn to e…
- Just because they are your child does not give them the right to treat you like a sub…
- Trauma bonding is NEVER love.
- Six common types of ELDER ABUSE exist. Realize if your adult child is Cluster B and y…
- Parents who are abused or emotionally neglected by their own children when the childr…
- Resist the urge to leave your senior care up to a Cluster B Adult Child. Position you…
- If you know of a senior with a Cluster B child, expect them to show signs of neglect …
- Types of ELDER ABUSE self-neglect — with greedy children taking from their parents u…
- Types of ELDER ABUSE and neglect include but are not limited to #FINANCIALABUSE issue…
- ELDER ABUSE and NEGLECT are serious issues. Many kind and loving parents who misguide…
- Best parenting recovery advice — own it. Your life, your child’s early childhood lif…
- If you have to beg a child to be in their life, they don’t deserve your social suppor…
- All this STUFF — stop it. 1) Distancing yourself from a problem person without sel…
- Avoid pointing the BLAMING FINGER at your child for using tantrum behavior during adu…
- #CauseAndEffect in relationships works both ways. It’s a child’s responsibility to re…
- Sadly, for the parents of a Cluster B child the right to LOVE them without feeling li…
- Horizontal thinkers have the neurological ability to process complex emotions. It all…
- Parent abuse is a serious issue. Tag articles you find with helpful information with …
- Are YOU being gaslighted? Refuse to ignore the red flags and warning signs. flyingm…
- Understanding what gaslighting is as an abuse tactic is essential. Refuse to let a pe…
- Family smear campaigns oftentimes target a whistleblower who exposed an Abuser in ord…
- Cluster B adult children lack EQ, not IQ. They lack the ability to process complex em…
- Cluster B children do and say the meanest things to kind parents… then they tend to…
- It’s always tempting to fight fire with fire but it’s seldom an advisable choice to m…
- Refuse to accept insincere or gaslighting apologies from a person or child who knows …
- Narcissism is NURTURED. Refuse to promote or to tolerate egocentric or abusive behavi…
- As parents, we harm our children far more by over-parenting and enabling the abuse of…
- If you are feeling blue, shift your perspective. Seek humor in less than obvious pro-…
- #CoParenting is hell with a Cluster B person.
- Age gracefully and with wisdom. <3
- <3
- If you spend most of your time believing your abusive child is somehow socially great…
- Worry as much or more about the quality of your own friends and everyday social influ…
- How you choose to live your life or to keep your house is none of any one’s business …
- Feel the fear and do it anyway. But avoid standing up for yourself if you are not pre…
- Be grateful for loss. It creates the space for human beings to mindfully create an ou…
- Is life with your Adult Child emotionally exhausting? You are not alone. Refuse to en…
- The pro-social benefits of developing high EQ are many despite what toxic thinkers st…
- You can never be fully happy or self-actualize if the only parts of life and psycholo…
- When you parent from a pro-social, future thinking based perspective, it might make C…
- Understand who you are and the decisions you are forced by circumstances to have to m…
- Learn to reconnect with normal, healthful emotions following any social or physical t…
- Develop EQ. It’s possible to do as long as you are neurotypical, HSP, or have normal,…
- Emotional Intelligence requires human anatomy capable of processing complex emotion a…
- Find yourself on this list… FIRST. Then, and only then, begin the process of doing …
- #CandidConfession
- #ClusterB people lack EQ — not IQ. Understand that emotional health of any person ha…
- Be the change you want to see. Just say NO to #TraumaBonding. flyingmonkeysdenied.c…
- If a child over the age of 18 is being abusive and disrespecting the family home, rea…
- It’s NECESSARY to limit or end contact with Cluster B people for any human being who …
- Be wary of offspring or any person who lies to or about you. It is the most common si…
- Did you ever have a toxic child show up to your home and bring their friends? Underst…
- Toxic Grandparents (who were Child Abusers, themselves) and Abusive Co-Parents are li…
- Alienated kids — regardless of their age or biological relationship — tend to suppo…
- Verbal Abuse causes serious physical effects. Stress Illness are typically caused by …
- Alienated children are prone to behaving like Flying Monkeys — abusing the preferred…
- Alienated parents likely to understand… children raised exposed to Abusers are like…
- Cluster B Adult Children — meaning kids above the age of 28 who have chosen to behav…
- Never trust a pathological liar to tell you an honest or accurate opinion. If they do…
- Most children who are alienated are estranged from parents after believing repetitive…
- You have rights as the offspring of ANY parent, toxic or otherwise — regardless of a…
- Trauma bonding cycles are pervasive in homes with toxic parents. The abuse patterns a…
- How do you handle an ASPD child who is over the age of 28? The very same way you hand…
- #ASPD is NOT #NPD. Adult Children with ASPD are prone to torturing people socially an…
- Open Letter to an Adult Child with biological ASPD A mother’s perspective, post Chil…
- Welcome, welcome to our first 1K friends and followers here on FB. Keep the faith and…
- Remember — you are who you decide to be. It’s OKAY to be a human BEFORE being a pare…
- Be true to you. It’s truly the only way to be the kind of person who not not only wil…
- Speaking of #ParentAbuse… Mary Queen of Scots had some SERIOUS C-PTSD issues due …
- If you can’t be QUIET, strive to be KIND. <3
- #TrueStory
- No more yelling. <3
- How IN-LAWS treat the partner of their own child tends to dictate EVERYONE’s success …
- God bless friends who understand.
- Take time out each day to SMILE. It’s a crucial step in self-care. flyingmonkeysdeni…
- Best parenting advice ever for the parent of an adult child who behaves abusively. …
- Self check, factor in forensic psychology, avoid magical thinking, and simply be hone…
- Welcome to Narcissistic Abuse recovery, everybody. #ParentAbuse — like #ChildAbuse…
- Set and enforce healthy boundaries without guilt or feeling stressed. Seriously. Taki…
- #mommydearest + #enablinghenchman –> #toxic parents. #ToxicParents = #ToxicGran…
- No means no. Resist the urge to tolerate abuse or to further enmesh socially with a C…
- #TrueStory — Domestic abuse stops causing you stress illnesses when you stop allowin…
- Does your adult child constantly tell you about why they think you are a bad human be…
- Take time out every day to breathe. Breathing makes self-care so much easier. 😉 f…
- If a lover abuses your hospitality and trust, it hurts in a certain way. When a child…
- Alienated adult children are oftentimes the tragic victims of toxic family members #G…
- Be proud of your lifepath, wherever it takes you. Life’s beauty is oftentimes truly r…
- If your adult child has opioid addictions issues, understand they are NOT the same bi…
- Were you the victim of domestic abuse as a romantic partner? Chances are your childre…
- If your adult child is developing or has already developed a secret drug habit, expec…
- Understand this… if your child has or had Childhood Conduct Disorder due to biology…
- NEVER give a parent who abuses access to groom or abuse their own grandchildren. No h…
- If your child has a toxic parent, they are likely to have PTSD symptoms and flashback…
- Self-care is ESSENTIAL. Remember — Narcissistic Abuse affects the mind and body. If …
- Perspective matters. Remember that the next time some #asshat unfamiliar with #CCD or…
- The opposite of love is NEVER hate — it’s INDIFFERENCE. Learning how to go gray rock…
- Lifestyle is a CHOICE. So are behaviors. Choose wisely. RESIST THE URGE TO TOLERATE…
- Dear Hospitality Abusers, Psycho Co-Parents, and Malignant Narcissist grandparents an…
- Waking up is hard to do. Welcome to Narcissistic Abuse recovery for PARENTS of Cluste…
- #TrueStory Narcissistic people are egocentric by choice; Narcissists are egocentric …
- The only — and we do mean ONLY time — it is recommended to go low to no contact wit…
- Being a parent is NEVER supposed to your soul’s death sentence. Find yourself. You ar…
- New life plan. SEE:
- Having a child should never be seen as a parent giving up their fundamental human rig…
- How to create a passive aggressive child who confuses loving behavior with Narcissist…
- If a toxic grandparent encourages their grandchild to believe the parent or parent is…
- The opposite of love is never HATE — it’s INDIFFERENCE. If they say they hate you, u…
- Parents, listen to your children without trying to convince them that what they belie…
- Feel the feels. Appreciate the skill set if you still have the ability. Many people w…
- Be mindful the best thing you can do for yourself and your children is to learn how t…
- Learning to set and enforce healthy boundaries is ESSENTIAL — especially if you were…
- Follow @NSFM_OhMy on Twitter to join the ongoing current events conversation about NA…
- Childhood Conduct Disorder is the precursor to full-blown #ASPD, aka Anti-Social Pers…
- #CLUSTERB people are compulsive vertical thinkers. They get an endorphin rush from ab…
- Learn to enjoy the peace and quiet if your Cluster B child put YOU in the discard pil…
- Co-parenting with an abusive ex? Have toxic in-laws or an abusive parent of your own …
- #ProParenting If your child is angry at you and soc…
- If your adult child is Cluster B and prone to addiction or engaging in compulsive beh…
- How to spot a child withOPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER that is OVERT. Keep in mind, m…
- Abuse of seniors by Adult Children with Cluster B personality disorders is, unfortuna…
- Epsom Salt Baths help to relieve Magnesium Deficiency commonly associated with Adrena…
- One for parents of children suspected of having CHILDHOOD CONDUCT DISORDER. Sound fam…
- Or adult child.
- Alas… it’s never easy striving to parent a child who is prone to exhibiting Cluster…
- Be yourself. Be kind. If you cannot be kind, self-reflect. If you cannot self-reflect…
- So incredibly sad. Pathetic, actually. Keep your littles away from toxic grans. fly…
- Always remember to celebrate having had and survived a good cry. If you have stopped …
- #mindfulness
- #Triangulation and gaslighting in order to isolate a target while estranging them soc…
- If your child or step-child’s OTHER bioparent or grandparents are socially abusive to…
- Cluster B parents provide a child a bizarre mix of abuse by helicopter parenting on s…
- Toxic grandparents who abused their own offspring love nothing more that to love bomb…
- If a person you know and love pitches fits to get attention or threatens to kill them…
- Want to know why otherwise loving and intelligent teens or adult children flock to ai…
- The threat a trauma bonded parent tends to make to control is to abandon a child in o…
- Helicopter parents tend to be highly narcissistic, predatory, social status climbers,…
- If your own mother is or was toxic and you chose to expose them to your children anyw…
- Resist the urge to fall into the trap of believing that you have a right to access yo…
- #TrueStory… even if toxic thinkers refuse to acknowledge your intrinsic worth as a …
- Vertical thinkers always want to win. You can spot one by paying careful attention to…
- If you suspect your child is ASPD, it is CRUCIAL to understand the biological as well…
- It’s a sad and unfortunate truth but parents who stop their children in early age fro…
- How to spot a DEADBEAT PARENT. Here’s a tip… it has NOTHING to do with money, the…
- Welcome to the #DiscardPile, emotionally and psychologically abused emotionally lovin…
- Beware toxic family units controlled by ABUSERS. If you blow the whistle or try to le…
- #healthyboundaries
- Tips on how to break the cycle of toxic shame in victims who suffer C-PTSD and tremen…
- Being the parent of a Cluster B child comes with all the abuse a #LoveFraud predator …
- The first people Cluster B ASPD people typically tend to use and abuse are their most…
- When a child is taught that raging, bullying, and/or withholding social affection or …
- #ASPD is the hashtag that can help you find out information if your child seems consc…
- If your child is over the age of 18 and lies to you or about you, there’s a PROBLEM. …
- Who was the first person you remember telling you that when you have a child you are …
- Narcissistic Abuse recovery is possible — even when the person who is abusing you is…
- So much YES — but only to a point. Walk your path and speak truth in order to share …
- ️️️️️️️️️️️️
- #TrueStory
- ⏯️
- Life is all about moral choices. If Cluster B people don’t hate your guts, chances ar…
- The same advice goes double for parents of adult children who are over the age of 18 …
- #DramaQueen –> Histrionic
- #Cyberbullying
- Nothing quite like being forced to co-parent with Cluster B humans when you are an em…
- <3
- "ANGER is a manifestation of HURT, FEAR & FRUSTRATION." ~ Dr. Phil
- Respect is something one person offers another on the presumption of good faith. Give…
- #Enabling
- How abusive co-parents, toxic grandparents, and narcissistic children tend to engage …
- Perspective matters. WHO WERE YOU BEFORE YOU BECAME A PARENT? If you are wonderin…
- Sage wisdom and sound advice. Try your best without attachment to the outcome when de…
- C-PTSD can be a real life destroyer — preserve your health by limiting contact with …
- Perhaps the hardest question a parent of an adult child who had #CCD or a beloved ste…
- Be mindful — adult children with AVOIDANT PERSONALITY DISORDERS tend to make incredi…
- The #SilentTreatment is one of the most cruel and biologically effective Narcissistic…
- Enjoy the silence if you have been put in the discard pile by an abusive or manipulat…
- Break the chain. If your parents and/or romantic interest abuse you and your child or…
- If you are an adult child of Cluster B parents who ended up having a child or kids wi…
- Best social advice EVER. Once people show you who they are, resist the urge to engage…
- If they abuse you, they are NOT YOUR TRIBE.
- Abused parent — protect thyself.
- Teens who badmouth parents behind their back become adult children who abuse and betr…
- Trusting an Adult Child with Cluster B is even MORE socially and emotionally dangerou…
- Forgiveness does not mean overlooking and continuing to tolerate abusive behavior. It…
- Toxic family members are typically the first people to teach a preferred scapegoat ch…
- Sometimes it takes hearing your Abuser’s words come out of your child’s mouth verbati…
- #perspective
- #Reframing
- Narcology — Abuse the HECK out of the most loving, kindest, and honest person, then …
- When you gie yourself permission to grieve the loss of a relationship with an abusive…
- Thought for the day.
- Take time out for yourself each day. Never let life get in the way. flyingmonkeysde…
- The POOR ME routine is commonly enacted by COLLAPSED NARCISSIST personalities. #fal…
- Be mindful, toxic word choices do far more damage than fists. Words twisted to mean s…
- #TRUESTORY — remember this…
- Protect yourself legally and financially if you suspect your next of kin are Cluster …
- Stop waiting. Start taking personal responsibility for how you spend your time, who y…
- #ProParenting sometimes means distancing yourself phsycially and emotionally from an …
- Straight up, psychic vampires truly suck. #EmotionalVampires flyingmonkeysdenied.c…
- You do not OWE anybody an explanation for your feelings or life choices. Especially N…
- #SelfCare is ESSENTIAL in Narcissistic Abuse recovery.
- If the song that keeps playing in your life is sad, change the tune. flyingmonkeysd…
- Respect your own privacy rights. Tell people you are estranged from a child ONLY if t…
- Remember who you were before you were a parent or step-parent? If you are being abuse…
- Keep WORRY checked in a healthful perspective.
- Getting over #ParentAbuse takes education, mindfullness, and self-reflective work. Ke…
- If a child is over the age of 28 and STILL abusing, limiting contact is the humane th…
- Be better than you were one minute before and life starts to improve immediately. Rem…
- It is perfectly OKAY to remember the good stuff as long as you set and enforce health…
- Sage advice.
- <3
- Never give a Cluster B person the opportunity to victimize you intentionally twice. …
- Breathe.
- Welcome to the world of Childhood Conduct Disorder parenting, post awareness all ASPD…
- Own your own behavior and strive to do better. For some this may mean giving more; fo…
- Sometimes traumatized children need time on the pond alone as adults to figure out wh…
- Pace yourself. Healing from the loss of a LIVING CHILD takes incredible amounts of ti…
- Breathe.
- Setand enforce healthy boundaries with your kiddies especially. Not only will you sav…
- Let em live. Let em learn.
- #TrueStory
- If your abusive child will not talk to or (more importantly) show any interest whatso…
- How many secrets have you kept for your absuive child? Think about who taught you tha…
- Be mindful about how you talk to yourself. Write it down, wait three days, and read y…
- Stay the course. Be a role model of the waking up and healing sort. flyingmonkeysde…
- Pace yourself. Healing takes time. Make SPACE in your life to let yourself grieve the…
- Pat yourself on the back if you found this note and were brave enough to seek emotion…