Showing 4 Result(s)

What is the average word count of a book or a novel?

Think about it. 50,000 words to write in 30 days is your academic assignment. It’s also your personal and professional writer’s challenge. 50000 / 30 days = 1666 words per day minimum 30 days is 720 hours. That gives NaNoWriMo enthusiasts the opportunity to compete only with themselves to improve their time and writing quality …

Pillars of Salt

Pillars of Salt

A personal confession —   For decades, like so many other abuse victims and kind-by-nature individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome or on the Autism Spectrum who are high IQ but socially unenlightened, I believed what I was told — that I deserved abuse, to be socially neglected, and that the fact people were even being abusive was all …