Narcissists are like a machine

Narcissists are like a machine

Narcissists are like a machine that only knows how to seek and to repeat the key phrase “Me Me Me”.

Whenever you are exposed to a Narcissist, understand it’s like being faced and stared down by a demanding toddler. The more adult and capable of actual pro-social adulting you are, the more likely a narcy person is to perceive you as a threat to their social position and posturing.

Narcissists are obsessed with themselves. How they look, what attention from anyone in a room or on the planet they are getting or not, and who is or is not getting more social attention than them at any given moment of the day is the main focus of their mindful as well as passing and or fleeting thoughts. notes that while Narcissism is healthy to a certain degree in every individual as well as age-appropriate in youth, when the social definition mechanism is allowed to become a personality disorder in any particular age individual that it’s bad for the community as well as for the physical health of the narcy person.

Narcissistic people fail to develop the complex emotional processing skills required for fully functional anatomical brain health. As such, they tend to be mechanistic in their demands for social interaction.

Reading up on frozen neuroplasticity and its effects can give the victim of any Narcissist or narcissistic person greater insight that is likely to allow any abuse victim to depersonalize when and if they have been emotionally or socially by a Narcissist wounded. It helps.

There is no way to avoid being caustically impacted by coming into social contact with a problematic person in general or any Cluster B individual.

As such, realize The Terminator will perpetually do what a Terminator mentally, spiritually, and psychologically does.

Narcissists are like a machine
Narcissists are like a machine that only knows how repeat me me me.